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Folio 81 verso

Folio 81 verso

Translations and Transcriptions

Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 81v.] conclusion de la guerra, quando esto acontescio salieron dos canoas de mexicanos y entraron en la casa de vn principal que se llamaua Coioueuetzin donde estauan indios Tlaxcaltecas y reboluieronse los vnos con los otros y murieron alli algunos: y los mexicanos huyeron y ascondieronse.  Despues de aver hecho esto luego mando el capitan Don hernando cortes apregonar que todos los que estauan en el corral saliesen libremente y se fuesen a sus casas y como començaron a salir los mexicanos se llauauā sus armas y yvan agauillados y dondequiera q̄ topauā a algunos indios de los amigos de los españoles matauālos y desto se enojaron mucho los españoles y a bueltas de los que se yvan algunos de los mismos vezinos del Tlatilulco dexaron sus casas y se fueron pensando que avn los matarian ansi* esperasen en sus casas vno se fueron hazia Tlacuba y otros hazia Sanct Xpoual:  y los que tenian casas en el agua vnos dellos se fueron en canoas, otros salieron apeando por el agua, otros nadando, y lleuan sus haziedas y sus hijos a cuestas salian muchos de noche y otros de dia  ----------  *ANSI.  For "si"; confusion seems to have arisen from inadvertent repetition of "-an" from the preceding word. 

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] the people, the [shots] just went over their heads. Then they took a [cannon], put it in a boat, and took it to the home of Coyohuehuetzin. When they got there, they took it up on the roof. Then again they killed people; many died there. But [the Mexica] just fled, and the war came to an end. Then everyone shouted, saying, “Enough! Let everyone leave! Go eat greens!” When they heard this, the people departed; they just went into the water. But when they went out on the highway, again they killed some people, which angered the Spaniards; a few of them were carrying their shields and war clubs. Those who lived in houses went straight to Amaxac, where [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] conclusion of the war. When this happened, two canoes full of Mexica appeared and entered the house of a leader called Coyohuehuetzin, where the Tlaxcalan Indians were. They got into an altercation and some people were killed there, and the Mexica ran away and hid. After this was done, Captain don Hernando Cortés ordered it proclaimed that all who were in the enclosure should come out freely and go to their homes. When the Mexica began to come out, they were carrying their weapons and went in gangs. Wherever they encountered any Indians who were friends of the Spaniards, they would kill them. At this the Spaniards became very angry. Following those who were leaving, some of the very citizens of Tlatelolco abandoned their houses and went away, thinking that they would kill them if they stayed in their houses. Some went toward Tacuba, others toward San Cristóbal. Some of those who had their houses in the water left in canoes, others wading through the water, others swimming. They carried their belongings and their children on their backs. Many left by night, others by day.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 81v.] quixtique çan imicpac quiz in macevalti: niman ic cētetl convicaque, concalaquique in acalli: vmpa cōvicaque in ichan Coiovevetzin. Auh in oacique: nimā ic tlecoque in tlapanco: niman ie ic no ceppa temictia miec in vncan mic: auh çā choloque, çan ic vmpolivito in iauiotl: nec valtzatzioa: quitoa. Ie ixquich ma quixoa, xicmoqualtitin in quiltzintli: in o iuh quicacque in niman ie ic oneoa in macevalli: niman ie ic vi, çan atlan. Auh in oquiçato vei vtli ipan, ie no ceppa cequin vmpa quinmictia, ic qualāque in Españoles in oc no çan cequintin quitqui in immaquauh yoan inchimal; in calla onoca quivalmelauhque in amaxac vallamelaoa, in vncan vel


Spanish Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl into Spanish by Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún; transcription of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 81v.] conclusion de la guerra, quando esto acontescio salieron dos canoas de mexicanos y entraron en la casa de vn principal que se llamaua Coioueuetzin donde estauan indios Tlaxcaltecas y reboluieronse los vnos con los otros y murieron alli algunos: y los mexicanos huyeron y ascondieronse.  Despues de aver hecho esto luego mando el capitan Don hernando cortes apregonar que todos los que estauan en el corral saliesen libremente y se fuesen a sus casas y como començaron a salir los mexicanos se llauauā sus armas y yvan agauillados y dondequiera q̄ topauā a algunos indios de los amigos de los españoles matauālos y desto se enojaron mucho los españoles y a bueltas de los que se yvan algunos de los mismos vezinos del Tlatilulco dexaron sus casas y se fueron pensando que avn los matarian ansi* esperasen en sus casas vno se fueron hazia Tlacuba y otros hazia Sanct Xpoual:  y los que tenian casas en el agua vnos dellos se fueron en canoas, otros salieron apeando por el agua, otros nadando, y lleuan sus haziedas y sus hijos a cuestas salian muchos de noche y otros de dia  ----------  *ANSI.  For "si"; confusion seems to have arisen from inadvertent repetition of "-an" from the preceding word. 

English Translation

[Translation of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] the people, the [shots] just went over their heads. Then they took a [cannon], put it in a boat, and took it to the home of Coyohuehuetzin. When they got there, they took it up on the roof. Then again they killed people; many died there. But [the Mexica] just fled, and the war came to an end. Then everyone shouted, saying, “Enough! Let everyone leave! Go eat greens!” When they heard this, the people departed; they just went into the water. But when they went out on the highway, again they killed some people, which angered the Spaniards; a few of them were carrying their shields and war clubs. Those who lived in houses went straight to Amaxac, where [Translation of the Spanish (left-hand column) by James Lockhart:] conclusion of the war. When this happened, two canoes full of Mexica appeared and entered the house of a leader called Coyohuehuetzin, where the Tlaxcalan Indians were. They got into an altercation and some people were killed there, and the Mexica ran away and hid. After this was done, Captain don Hernando Cortés ordered it proclaimed that all who were in the enclosure should come out freely and go to their homes. When the Mexica began to come out, they were carrying their weapons and went in gangs. Wherever they encountered any Indians who were friends of the Spaniards, they would kill them. At this the Spaniards became very angry. Following those who were leaving, some of the very citizens of Tlatelolco abandoned their houses and went away, thinking that they would kill them if they stayed in their houses. Some went toward Tacuba, others toward San Cristóbal. Some of those who had their houses in the water left in canoes, others wading through the water, others swimming. They carried their belongings and their children on their backs. Many left by night, others by day.

Analytic Transcription

[Transcription of the Nahuatl (right-hand column) by James Lockhart:] [f. 81v.] quixtique çan imicpac quiz in macevalti: niman ic cētetl convicaque, concalaquique in acalli: vmpa cōvicaque in ichan Coiovevetzin. Auh in oacique: nimā ic tlecoque in tlapanco: niman ie ic no ceppa temictia miec in vncan mic: auh çā choloque, çan ic vmpolivito in iauiotl: nec valtzatzioa: quitoa. Ie ixquich ma quixoa, xicmoqualtitin in quiltzintli: in o iuh quicacque in niman ie ic oneoa in macevalli: niman ie ic vi, çan atlan. Auh in oquiçato vei vtli ipan, ie no ceppa cequin vmpa quinmictia, ic qualāque in Españoles in oc no çan cequintin quitqui in immaquauh yoan inchimal; in calla onoca quivalmelauhque in amaxac vallamelaoa, in vncan vel
