Additional Resources

Online Early Nahuatl Language Materials
(Compiled by Stephanie Wood and John F. Schwaller)

Published Texts with Transcriptions and/or Translations

The ballads of the lords of New Spain, John Bierhorst; access provided by UT Digital, University of Texas, Austin

Catecismo mexicano . . . 1758, access provided by the Internet Archive

Coloquio de Santa Elena, Manuel de los Santos y Salazar, from the John Carter Brown Library; access provided by the Internet Archive

De contemptu omnium, Pseudo St. Bernard, from the John Carter Brown Library; access provided by the Internet Archive

Dogmas of the Church and devotional materials in Nahuatl, Cod. Ind. 7, from the John Carter Brown Library; access provided by the Internet Archive

Huei tlamahuizoltica, here called the Great Miracle of the Apparition of the Queen of Heaven, Saint Mary Out Beloved Mother of Guadalupe, Near the Great City of Mexico in the Place Called Tepeyácac [a.k.a. Nican mopohua], hosted by the Centro de Estudios para la Historia de México and accessible here through the World Digital Library

Necuil machiota, Agustín de Vetancurt, from the John Carter Brown Library; access provided by the Internet Archive

Manuscripts in Facsimile

Códice Chavero, here called the Chavero Codex of Huexotzingo; Nahuatl begins on page 139; hosted by the World Digital Library

Códice del Marquesado del Valle, here called the Marquesado del Valle Codex; access provided by the World Digital Library (can be downloaded in PDF)

Códice Osuna, here called the Painting of the Governor, Mayors, and Rulers of Mexico; access provided by the World Digital Library (can be downloaded in PDF)

Códice de Huamantla, hosted by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e History and made accessible here by the World Digital Library; an Otomí community pictorial with some Nahua stylistics; no Nahuatl inscriptions

Códice de Huexotzinco, here called the Huexotzinco Codex, 1531; hosted by the Library of Congress; accessible here through the World Digital Library

General history of the things of New Spain [Florentine Codex], Fray Bernardino de Sahagún; hosted by the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence, Italy

Matrícula de Tributos, here called the Tribute Roll; access provided by the World Digital Library

Techialoyan codex of Cuajimalpa, access provided by the World Digital Library (can be downloaded in PDF)